It has come to our attention that most of you lovely ladies are more than interested in learning about good makeup application, choosing the right foundation for oneself and changing your day look into a glam evening look. Some are even interested in learning how to do the odd GHD curl or a quick n easy up do. Have no fear ladies, Introducing the latest HIL COOK MAKEUP WORKSHOP!!!!
Thanks to all of you that wrote to us regarding what they would like to learn, and your general feed back on ideas from previous workshops. We now have in place, our first workshop in the NEW PREMISES, happening June 25th at the NZ Radio training school in Wellington. We are also extremely excited to say we now have a new exclusive makeup sponser... the fabulous BOBBI BROWN. Everyone gets to try out their fantastic range and learn all about great application, not to mention what works well for you!. Click on the TITLE of this article and check out BOBBI BROWN'S gorgeous products on their website, or better still come and try them out at one of our workshops!!!.
We are booked out solid for June 25th workshop , but there will be plenty more!!! Those of you whom are interested in our future workshops, please contact angeduncan@gmail.com to ensure yourself a place. See you there!!Hil X