Types, Textures and Choices (Oh My!)... Lippies

Types, Textures and Choices (Oh my!)

A woman’s lipstick color and finish is indicative of how she wants to be perceived. Sheer formulas convey a feeling of ease and approachability. Shimmering and iridescent finishes represent an effervescent or playful attitude. Matte or cream lipsticks in bright or vibrant colors demand attention. The same finishes in rich colors evoke a feeling of confidence and power—have you ever met a woman with rich, deep red lips who didn’t appear confident?  High shine/glossy lips exude a heightened level of sexuality because they simulate the look of lips that have just been licked. 

When you mix any of these finishes together, you create a different, more complex personification. For example: A woman with richly colored, high-gloss lips is sending a powerful message—she’s strong, sexy and in control.

Penny, my Audrey Hepburn bride

Just wanted to show you some amazing pictures of Penny which talented photographer, Jenny Siasoi, from fine line Photography took.  My bride Penny,  went for the Audrey Hepburn look for the day with a stunningly detailed french roll. Check the pics...