Tricks of the trade ... Shhhh

Its one of those days that you want to just snuggle in bed all day, unfortunately even on Sundays brides get married so I am heading out the door in a mo but I thought I would post some things you could do on your day off as the day isn't much good for anything else today!

Enjoy your day
Hil X

Prime time
If you have dry skin, use almond oil as a makeup primer;  its readily absorbed and will give you a smooth canvas on which to apply your foundation

Lovely lashes
Here's as oldie but a goodie...  For long, luscious lashes apply pure Castor oil; try it on scant eyebrows too.

Spice it up
Try this little trick: apply balm, shake out about a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and use your finger to apply it to lips.  This will exfoliate and plump your pout, at the same time the cinnamon brings more blood to the surface and makes your mouth look fuller and redder.