Check out our new Artwork

Mary Adams is our savvy designer and just look at this little gem she designed.  New art work for posters and adds, Nice!
We are also about to embark on our first Viral Campaign shoot this weekend.  We have the Epic cameraman Simon Baumfield  as our DOP whom would normally cost us thousands, luckily for us he is doing it for love! Yay. We also have two of the lead actors from BBC tv show "Paradise cafe" as our leading ladies, Georgia Fabish & lara Custance, again all for love.  Along with these gems, are our own gems, Ange, Lea & Nat  who are always there to slog on with the makeups, hair do's and the fab acting skills they will be pulling out on Sundays shoot, all in the name of Solution Buds.

Big thanks to everyone that has supported us in our Solution bud venture and believing in us.
We really appreciate it.

Hil X