Finalist for HER Wellington Businesswoman of the Year 2010' Awards

I am truly stunned!! This evening I have just been rung to be told that I have made it to the finals in 
HER Wellington  Businesswoman of the Year 2010' Awards

I had been told that I would hear who were finalists on Sunday the 21st which was yesterday, so I figured that our business had not made the top but were very lucky to be nominated.   But this evening I got the phone call saying they were very sorry for the late call, but the caliber had been so high that it had taken longer than they thought it would.  We are in the Top 4 for a new business!!!!

All I can say is that if it weren't for my amazing team and Ange who has stuck by my me through thick and thin, we would never be going for this award.  Thanks team, I LOVE YOU GIRLS X
Hils x


  1. YOU deserve it Hilly you have worked your ARSE off for the business! WE LOVE YOU!!!

    Ange xxxx

  2. Well done team! So proud of you guys and your commitment, what a huge achievement.
    So proud.... you deserve nothing less!!!

    Lea xxx
