Big ups to all of you that entered into our BE A QUEEN ON QUEENS BIRTHDAY and congratulations to Carole our winner. 

Caroles lovely daughter n law Carolyn , entered Carole into the competition without her knowing.  
Carolyns daughter n law told us how she entered Carole into the comp as she had had a rough year losing both her husband and mum , all with in a few months of one another.   Carole had given up her job to look after her sick mother but always had time for family and friends who needed her.  Carolyn felt Carole deserved to be treated like a queen for a day so entered her in and with luck on her side, it couldn't have gone to a more lovelier lady!

The prize for the Queen winner was a fabulous $500 outfit courtesy of  leading designer Sophie Voon from her wonderful Voon store , then out to our Hil Cook makeup studio to be made up like a star, having a 2 hour hair and makeup session along with Champagne and nibbles .  We decided that because Carolyn had been so kind entering her mother n law , we would also make her up like a star,  as the 2 of them were going to be picked up by Capital Limos and chauffeured around the towns sights.  Then it was off to deliciously ambient Largerfield for a dinner for 2.

 Carole being the lovely lady she is,  had her son and 2 granddaughters meet her at our makeup studio to go along for the Limo ride and then paid for the extra editions to join her for dinner.
Congratulations Carole.... We think you look like a true STAR!